Our Partners

We consider our clients as business partners and we help and support them to achieve efficiency in there business. We do this by providing various software solutions and consultancy. Our team of functional and technical experts understand the business needs of our clients and then provide tailor made software solutions. We build these software solutions using latest available technologies on Google Cloud Platform. We also maintain these application(s)/softwares so that our clients can maintain and run there application(s)/softwares at reduced costs. 

Catering Managment System (CMS) is currently being developed in collobration with two of our business partners Top Foods Inc. and Gayatri Foods Services. Top Foods Inc. and Gayatri Foods Services are industrial catering providers with years of experience in field of Industrial catering. Top Foods Inc. has multiple corporate clients and they serve 6,500 thalis per day. Gayatri Foods Services also have multiple corporate clients and serve almost 5,000 thalis per day.