Our Products

Currently, we have two cloud based software products namely Account and Taxation Management (ATM) and Catering Managment System (CMS).  Account and Taxation Management (ATM) is a financial cloud based software product that allows businesses to maintain there accounts and tax related data. Catering Managment System (CMS) is a inventory management cloud based software created for catering industry.

Accounts and Taxation Management (ATM)

 Account and Taxation Management (ATM) is an cloud based Online Accounting and Billing Software that allows small and medimum sized businesses to manage there accounting and taxation requirements. ATM is currently in testing phase and would be available in two flavors. It would be available online for anyone to subscribe and use it to manage there accounts and taxes. It would also be available to be customized and tailored for business specific requirements. ATM would allow businesses to do the following:

Catering Management System (CMS)

Catering Managment System (CMS) is an inventory management cloud based software created for catering industry. Industrial Canteens can use this software to maintain there food ingredients inventory per kitchen. CMS is currently in development phase and would also be available in two flavors. It would be available online for anyone to subscribe and use it to manage there food related inventory based on weekly menus. It would also be available to be customized and tailored for business specific requirements. CMS would allow businesses to do the following:

Catering Managment System (CMS) would also be integrated to Account and Taxation Management (ATM) system that will allow Industrial caterers to manage there accounts and taxation requirements along with inventory management needs. This will make all the functions available in Account and Taxation Management (ATM) system to industrial caterers through Catering Managment System (CMS).